Cambios en los exámenes de Cambridge FCE y CAE desde 2015


Para los que vayáis a presentaros a los exámenes de Firts Certificate o Cambridge Advanced, debéis saber que el formato ha variado ligeramente. Los cambios son efectivos desde este 2015. Nuestros profesores asisten a los seminarios de formación de Cambridge para conocer de primera mano en qué consisten estos cambios.

Así están constituidos los exámenes actualmente:


Reading and Use of English: 1 hour 15 minutes Shows you can understand texts from publications such as books, newspapers and magazines.

Writing: 1 hour 20 minutes Shows you can write different text types, such as an essay, report or a letter.

Listening: 40 minutes Shows you can follow a range of spoken materials, such as news and everyday conversations.

Speaking: 14 minutes Shows you can communicate effectively in face-to-face situations. You take the test with one or two other candidates.


Reading and Use of English: 1 hour 30 minutes Shows you can understand texts from publications such as fiction and non-fiction books, journals, newspapers and magazines.

Writing: 1 hour 30 minutes Shows you can produce two different pieces of writing, including an essay

Listening: 40 minutes Shows you can follow and understand a range of spoken materials.

Speaking: 15 minutes Shows you can communicate in a real-life context. You take the test face-to-face with one or two other candidates.

The Reading and Use of English paper is worth 40% of the marks, and each of the other papers is worth 20%.

Todo el material que hayáis estado utilizando hasta ahora sigue siendo válido pero OJO, cuando esteís ya practicando con past papers (quede poco para el examen) debeís utilizar los nuevos con el formato de examen real.

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